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Australia’s First Actively Managed ESG ETF Launches Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes
New fund (ASX ticker: IMPQ) helps clients achieve their investment goals while making a positive social impact

Sydney, Australia (May, 23 2019) – eInvest, a distributor of exchange traded managed fund solutions, has launched Australia’s first actively managed ESG exchange traded fund (ETF) . The new fund, eInvest Future Impact Small Caps Fund (managed fund) (ASX: IMPQ), is also Australia’s first Small Cap Active ESG ETF and is managed by multi-award winning affiliate, Perennial Value Management. The fund aims to provide long-term capital growth by investing in Australian and New Zealand small and mid cap stocks that contribute positively and sustainably to society and the environment.

The founding belief of this new strategy is that investors in environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) portfolios should not have to sacrifice their financial objectives in order to achieve an ESG impact. The fund aims not to compromise on investment returns to achieve social objectives by benchmarking itself against the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation index, and is a well-diversified, actively managed portfolio that may hold up to 70 Australian or New Zealand stocks.

The strategy pursues listed investment opportunities and focuses on companies that take into consideration ESG criteria and/or conduct business in industries which are favourable having regard to ESG criteria. Companies that are misaligned with sustainability practices are excluded, such as those with more than 10% revenue in fossil fuels, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, forestry activities, gambling and unhealthy fast foods. Perennial Value proactively monitors ESG-related metrics for companies in the investment universe and engages with them to determine their approach to ESG.

Camilla Love, Managing Director of eInvest, said: “Sustainable investing is increasingly an important focus for many investors, and for the first time, Australian investors can access an actively managed ESG ETF.  Our fund not only gives investors access to specialist active management skills through a convenient and lower-cost ASX tradable structure, it also provides the tools to make a social impact without compromising on returns.”

Damian Cottier, Portfolio Manager at Perennial Value, said: “We are seeking to invest in small and mid-cap companies that are making a positive contribution to a sustainable future.  We have a strong heritage in investing in the under-researched small cap universe which makes us well placed to uncover interesting investment opportunities for the fund.”

Information on the fund can be found here.



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About Perennial Value Small Cap Team

The Perennial Value small cap team is a multi-award winning team that has been successfully managing clients’ money in small cap portfolios for over 16 years. Last week, the team won the coveted fund manager award for best small cap Australian equities manager at the 2019 Lonsec Money Management Awards for the Perennial Value Microcap Opportunities Trust.               

About eInvest

eInvest is a distributor of solutions-based Active ETF investments. eInvest provides Australians with access to tradeable investment solutions that are backed by the research, skill and intellectual property of experienced investment professionals. eInvest believes that all Australians should have access to professionally managed solutions in areas where active management can add value.

 About Perennial

Perennial Investment Management Limited (Perennial) is the Responsible Entity of the eInvest funds. Perennial is responsible for 10 unlisted Trusts and 2 active ETFs, covering equities and fixed income. Perennial is the responsible entity for Perennial Value and Daintree funds. Perennial is a fully owned subsidiary of Perennial Value Management Limited (collectively the Perennial Group). The Perennial Group oversees approximately $5bn in assets.



This has been prepared by ETF Investments Australia Pty Ltd trading as eInvest Australia (‘eInvest’) ABN: 88 618 802 912, as the corporate authorised representative (No: 1261447) of Perennial Investment Management Limited. This media release is for information purposes only. Accordingly, reliance should not be placed on this information as the basis for making an investment, financial or other decision. This information does not take into account your investment objectives, particular needs or financial situation. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate; its accuracy, reliability or completeness is not guaranteed. You can download the PDS at