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Perennial Better Future Podcast Series

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Welcome to the Better Future Investing podcast series. We’ve created this podcast as an educational source about sustainable Investing and how we go about ESG Investing within the Better Future Strategies.
We hope you enjoy it!

Episode 27 – Decarbonisation on the ASX

How to get exposure to the decarbonisation thematic by investing on the ASX.

Episode 26 – Divergence between small vs large caps

Small cap performance has lagged large cap performance on the ASX. We think that could reverse and is providing an interesting opportunity.

Episode 25 – Drivers of the energy transition

We talk through the key drivers of the energy transition and why we think it is important investment thematic.

Episode 24 – Renewable energy in the grid

Listen to why we think we are at a decarbonisation tipping point.

Episode 23 – EU regulatory developments

The EU has developed a huge amount of regulation around SRI and the green agenda. We touch on some of the key policies.

Episode 22 – France’s SRI changes

France has introduced new legislation around sustainable & responsible investment funds, what could this mean for Australia?

Episode 21 – Global regulation

How is global regulation creating an interesting opportunity for sustainable investing?

Episode 20 – US SRI developments

Listen in while we discuss what is happening in the US on sustainability investing and how the political environment is influencing sentiment

Episode 19 – Investing for educational outcomes

In this episode, we discuss how the better future strategy invests to improve educational outcomes and provide an example through 3P Learning.

Episode 18 – Equity Mates Media Finfest Presentation: ESG Matters in Every Portfolio

George and Maddie decouple ESG from sustainable investing and discuss why ESG analysis is a risk-mitigation tool that is relevant for all portfolios.

Episode 17 – ASX Future Focus Investor Day

Emilie participates in a panel conversation with Nadine Blayney from Ausbiz on investing in future focused businesses, why invest with changing demographics, societal change and technological change.

Episode 16 – Small Caps and ESG

What is the sustainable investment opportunity in smaller companies? Emilie & George discuss sustainable innovation, engagement and better future investing in smaller companies.

Episode 15 – Sustainable Investment Flows

The Perennial Better Future team provide an update on general performance and investment flows for ESG & Sustainable funds for 2022 YTD.

Episode 14 – 4040 Vision

Recently, Perennial became a signatory for the 40:40 Vision – an investor-led initiative to achieve gender balance in executive leadership by 2030. We discuss the initiative and why gender diversity in executive leadership is an important engagement topic for Perennial.

Episode 13 – Greenwashing

The case for ESG investment is compelling, however, with the vast array of products available on the market, investors should be aware of ‘greenwashing’. In this episode, we explore some of the ways you can spot an authentic ESG fund.

Episode 12 – Perennial’s Reconciliation Journey

In this episode, we discuss Perennial’s contribution to the reconciliation movement, including our commitment to addressing Indigenous Heritage issues in our investments and engagements with companies.

Episode 11 – Telix (ASX: TLX)

Telix is an oncology diagnostics & treatment company and a Better Future investment. We discuss the opportunity with one of our healthcare analysts, Ewan Galloway.

Episode 10 – Impact Statement

The Perennial Better Future strategies release their second annual impact statement. We outline the key environmental, social and governance impact of our portfolio companies.

Episode 9 – Sustainability Drivers

The Better Future Team believe that there are 4 key drivers behind sustainable investing: policy, consumer preference, cost of capital and technology.

Episode 8 – International Women’s Day 2022 – Interview with eInvest Founder and Managing Director, Camilla

Camilla Love is the founder and Managing Director of eInvest and F3 – Future Females in Finance. She is passionate about encouraging more women to enter the finance industry and sharing industry knowledge with the next generation.

Episode 7 – Corporate ESG at Perennial Partners

Committed to advancing Perennial’s sustainability efforts and extending ESG integration within our corporate strategy, Perennial has implemented several corporate ESG initiatives.

Episode 6 – Perennial ESG&E Scoring System

Perennial Co-Head of ESG, Emilie O’Neill, and Assistant ESG & Equities Analyst, Madeleine Huynh, provide an overview of Perennial’s internal ESG&E (Environment, Social, Governance & Engagement) scoring system, including its key advantages and integration across the broader Perennial investment team.

Episode 5 – Better Future Investment Deep Dive – Calix (ASX:CXL)

Better Future Portfolio Manager, Damian Cottier, discusses Calix (ASX:CXL), one of the Better Future investments. Calix is an industrial solutions business looking to solve global sustainability challenges.

Episode 4 – A Lens into Gender Diversity on the ASX

Research finds that gender diversity in teams and in management provides better performance outcomes and stronger total shareholder returns.

Episode 3 – The Perennial Better Future Survey – ESG importance still increasing

This year, we found an accelerated shift from awareness to action on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and sustainability among ASX listed companies is underway, and there is a heightened focus on these issues by all stakeholder groups.

Episode 2 – Perennial Better Future Strategies – the next generation of ESG investing

Better Future strategies use Perennial’s investment expertise to find companies that are shaping a better future through improving environmental or social outcomes.

Episode 1 – Introduction to ESG Investing with Perennial

ESG analysis isn’t just a way to generate a positive impact, it is also a risk mitigation tool included as part of the fundamental research on an investment.

Disclaimer: Please note that these are the views of the makers of the podcasts and not necessarily the views of Perennial. These podcasts are for information purposes only. Accordingly, reliance should not be placed on this information as the basis for making an investment, financial or other decision. This information does not take into account your investment objectives, particular needs or financial situation. While every effort has been made to ensure the information is accurate; its accuracy, reliability or completeness is not guaranteed.