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Perennial Better Future

Next generation, authentic ESG investing

Perennial Better Future is part of the next generation of authentic ESG investors. We seek to invest in companies that are positively shaping a better future, while pursuing strong, consistent returns for our investors. We aim to empower those creating a better future.

We invest in a Better Future

We are passionate about making a positive contribution to society and the environment and have a long history of uncovering investment opportunities within the Australian marketplace. With a large and highly experienced team dedicated to finding opportunities, we seek to invest in companies that are shaping a better future, including by addressing sustainability challenges. These companies often operate in global markets in industries that improve environmental or social outcomes such as healthcare, education, renewable energy, energy efficiency or improving occupational health and safety outcomes.
ESG analysis and company engagement are core to our strategy. We believe they can help us to assess the risks and opportunities in the business and drive improved performance. We aim to build robust and balanced investment solutions and pursue strong, risk-adjusted returns.

Better Future Trust

The Perennial Better Future Trust is an authentic ESG focused fund that seeks to invest in smaller and mid-cap companies that are positively shaping a better future, while pursuing strong, consistent returns for our investors.

Better Future Fund

The Better Future Strategy is also available as an active ETF via the Perennial Better Future Fund (Managed Fund) (ASX:IMPQ).

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