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A diversified portfolio of companies listed (or soon to be listed) on the ASX, which have sustainable operations and, collectively, offer a superior dividend yield (when taking into account franking credits) to the overall market. The Trust may generate additional income by writing call options over portfolio holdings.
The Trust aims to provide investors with an attractive level of tax effective income, paid via monthly distributions. The portfolio aims to provide a dividend yield, adjusted for applicable franking credits and before fees, above that provided by the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index.
Investors with an investment horizon of five or more years, who are seeking regular tax effective income through the provision of monthly distributions.
Online application is quick and simple.
Only institutional, sophisticated and wholesale investors, as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), may make applications to invest in the Perennial Private to Public Opportunities Fund.
Are you a Wholesale Investor?
Shares for Income Commentary 11/16