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Perennial Partners achieves Climate Active Certification for FY22

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Perennial Partners is proud to share that it has been certified as carbon neutral for its business operations for the FY22 period by Climate Active.

Climate Active certification is an Australian government-backed standard and is awarded to businesses and organisations that have reached carbon neutrality. Although this year is our first of being certified by Climate Active, Perennial Partners first achieved its carbon-neutral status for its FY21 operations in October 2021, through partnering with Path Zero.

Perennial Partners is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and believes that achieving operational carbon neutrality will help to facilitate a better future and the transition towards a low-carbon economy. We are pleased to provide transparency in our operational carbon footprint from a corporate perspective, and regularly encourage portfolio companies across all Perennial Partners funds to publish climate-related disclosures.

Since achieving operational carbon neutral status for Scope 1,2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions in October 2021, Perennial Partners has achieved emissions reductions for FY22 through various measures, including increased teleconferencing and reduced business travel as a result of a hybrid work model, following the COVID-19 pandemic and reduced ICT spend.

Perennial Partners has purchased Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) to offset its emissions profile for the FY22 period. The ACCUs are associated with the Byzantium Induced Regeneration of Native Forest Human-Induced Regeneration Project. The Byzantium Induced Regeneration of Native Forest Project located in the Maranoa Region, Queensland, establishes permanent native forests through assisted regeneration from in-situ seed sources (including rootstock and lignotubers) on land that was cleared of vegetation and where regrowth was previously suppressed.

Emission Reduction Strategy

Based on current emissions calculation methodology and stable business outcomes, Perennial Partners will target a 40% reduction in total emissions across the value chain (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2030, from a 2021 base year.

Perennial Partner’s emissions reduction strategy seeks to minimise the firm’s operational carbon footprint, with a focus on our 6 largest emissions sources. Implementation of the emissions reduction strategy will be overseen by the Perennial Partners Sustainability Team, with members of the internal Sustainability Working Group across allocated specific deliverables.

Read further details about our emissions strategy can be located on the Perennial Partners Climate Active profile at